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1.    Name
The Club will be called ‘Porthcawl Triathlon Club’ and will be affiliated to Welsh Triathlon. 


2.    Aims and objectives
The Club is a non-profit making organisation. Our goal is to develop a community of triathletes (from recreational to elite) who share a common set of goals and objectives: 

  • To offer coaching and competitive opportunities in triathlon through organised group training sessions and structured workouts;

  • To encourage individual growth and personal performance through mentoring and learning;

  • To promote the Club within the local community and the broader triathlon community;

  • To create an inclusive environment where individuals can thrive in the spirit of mutual respect, support and co-operation;

  • To serve its members in a way that is fair to all;

  • To ensure that all members receive fair and equal treatment;

  • To train and socialize with like-minded people in a fun and friendly environment; and

  • To promote the sport of triathlon in Porthcawl and the surrounding community.


3.    Membership
All members will be subject to the rules and regulations of the Club Constitution and will be expected to comply with the Club Charter and the Club Code of Conduct at all times. The Committee reserves the right to: (i) refuse application for membership at its sole discretion; and (ii) cancel or withdraw membership where a member fails to comply with the Club Charter or the Club’s Code of Conduct at any time.

4.    Membership Fees

Membership fees will be set annually by the Committee and agreed at the Annual General Meeting

  • Annual membership for 2022 will be £45.00


  • Annual membership will start on 1st January and end on 31st December each year.

The Club reserves the right to charge activity fees to members from time to time (e.g. track fees, strength and conditioning classes, etc.). Activity fees will be set by the Committee depending on the type and frequency of the activity. The Committee may make changes to activity fees from time to time taking into account the costs of the activity and will try to give members at least one weeks’ notice of any such changes. 

5.    Officers of the Club
All elected members of the Committee are officers of the Club and are together empowered to make decisions in the best interest of the Club. The Committee shall be comprised of the following official roles: 

  • Chairman

  • Vice Chairman

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Membership Officer

  • Head Coach

  • Kit Officer

  • Welfare Officer

  • Lead Ambassador

  • Social Media Officer

  • Events and Social Coordinator

  • Such other officers that the Committee shall determine from time to time for the effective running of the Club.


All of the above roles will be appointed annually at the Annual General Meeting and appointed officers will be expected to discharge their roles and responsibilities for a period of 12 calendar months. 

All appointed officers will retire automatically at the end each year but will be eligible for re-election. If an individual wishes to apply for re-election or apply for a different role on the Committee, he/she must do so by following the process set out at Appendix 1. If a member of the Committee wishes to resign or withdraw from his/her duties during his/her term of office, then the Committee can make a replacement appointment for the remaining term without representation to the membership. 

6.    Management Committee
The Club will be managed through the Committee. All Committee members must act at all times in the best interests of the Club. In the event of a conflict of interest, members of the Committee must abstain from related discussions and/or voting.

The Committee will be convened by the Secretary of the Club and will meet no less than 6 times a year.

The Committee will be responsible for a variety of tasks including, without limitation, the following: adopting new policy, codes of conduct and rules that affect the organisation of the Club and for agreeing all expenditure out of the Club’s funds.
The quorum required for business to be agreed at Committee meetings will be 6 officers of the Club. All decisions will be determined by the majority of votes taken in the meeting. In the event there is no clear majority, the Chair will make a casting vote. 

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) members may be appointed to non-voting posts to support the Committee in helping to perform its obligations to the Club. These posts will be agreed by the Committee as appropriate and volunteers requested.  The roles and responsibilities for these posts will be recorded by the Secretary and made available upon request to members. 

The Committee will be responsible for disciplinary hearings of members who infringe the Club Charter and/or the Club’s Code of Conduct. It will possess the power and be responsible for taking the appropriate disciplinary action – these powers include the ability of the Committee to suspend or permanently terminate individual membership depending on the individual circumstances of each case.

For the avoidance of doubt, the power of the Committee to take disciplinary action will also extend to individual members of the Committee if their conduct is deemed by the Committee to be in breach of the Club Charter and/or the Club’s Code of Conduct.  

The discussions and deliberations of the Committee are subject to strict obligations of confidentiality, meaning that members of the Committee must treat all information disclosed to them in strictest confidence and not disclose such information to anyone outside the Committee. The decisions of the Committee will be communicated to members as soon as reasonably practicable. The Committee may use social media, email or the Club website for this purpose. 

7.    Finance
All Club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the Club. 

The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the administration of the finances of the Club. 

The financial year of the Club will end on 31st December. 

An audited statement of accounts will be presented by the Treasurer at the AGM. The Chairman will appoint two members of the Committee responsible for auditing the accounts of the Club. 

Any cheques drawn against Club funds should hold the signatures of the Treasurer plus up to two other officers of the Club. Significant expenditure (i.e. greater than £250) must be approved by the Committee.
8.    Annual General Meeting

Not less than 21 days’ notice of the AGM will be given to all the members by email and/or publishing on the Club website & social media.  The AGM will normally take place in December each year. The agenda will be finalised and circulated no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting, but the Committee should aim to give an indicative agenda at least 7 days prior. 

The AGM will receive a short update from the officers of the Committee and a statement of the audited accounts. 

Nominations for officers of the Committee will be sent to the Secretary prior to the AGM. No nominations may be made during the course of the AGM.  Those members present at the AGM will be asked to ratify the election or re-election of individual officers of the Club. 

The quorum required for AGMs will be a minimum of 10% of members.  All members present at the AGM have the right to vote.  Resolutions will be passed by simple majority of those present and eligible to vote. In the event of no majority vote, the Chair will make a casting vote. 

9.    Discipline and Appeals
All complaints regarding the behaviour of individual members should be submitted in writing to the Club’s Welfare Officer who will, if appropriate, instigate the Club’s disciplinary procedure. 

The Club’s Welfare officer will notify all interested parties within 5 days of receiving a complaint. The notification will advise the nature of the complaint, the process to be followed and related timescales. The date of this notification will be the start date for the disciplinary procedure.  

The Committee will consider complaints within 7 days of the start date. The Committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including suspension and termination of membership. 

The outcome of the complaint should be notified in writing to all parties to the complaint within 14 days of the start date of the disciplinary procedure. 

There will be the right of appeal to the Committee. All appeals must be made within 14 days of the notification of the outcome of the complaint. The time limits applying to appeals will be communicated in the correspondence notifying the outcome of the complaint.    

10.    Dissolution
A resolution to dissolve the Club can only be passed at an AGM or EGM through a majority vote of those members present and eligible to vote, and subject to the quorum rules. 

In the event of dissolution, any assets of the Club that remain will become the property of Welsh Triathlon or a sports-related charity nominated for this purpose.

11.    Amendments to the Club’s Constitution, Club Charter and Code of Conduct
The constitution of the Club can only be changed through agreement by majority vote of the Committee and the resolution of the Committee purporting to amend the Club’s constitution must be ratified by members at the AGM. 

The Committee has the right to call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) outside the AGM.  Procedures for EGMs will be the same as for the AGM.  

An EGM shall be called by the Chair within one month of the receipt of a requisition signed by at least 9 members stating the purpose of the meeting. At least 14 days’ notice shall be given to all fully paid-up members of the date, venue and purpose of an EGM. No other business shall be conducted at such a meeting.

The Club’s Code of Conduct may be amended by the Committee at any time as a normal part of the Committee process. All changes will be communicated to members within 7 days of the relevant Committee meeting. 

The Club Charter can only be amended by the members. The Club Charter will be reviewed and updated annually by a sub-committee comprised of members designated by the Committee. The sole purpose of the sub-committee will be to take on board comments and observations from the Club’s memberships and suggest amendments to the Club Charter as required. All amendments (if any) to the Club Charter will be communicated to members within 14 days of the relevant sub-committee meeting.

12.    Declaration
Porthcawl Triathlon Club hereby adopts this constitution as its current operating guide regulating the actions of officers and members of the Club.

This constitution was agreed by the Committee at the first meeting held on [xx] December 2022 and adopted with effect from 1st January 2022.




What are the aims of the club?

We aspire to develop a community of triathletes from recreational to elite who share a common set of goals and standards. We give members the opportunity to learn more about the sport of triathlon, challenge themselves in a safe and controlled manner and celebrate individual accomplishments in a friendly and supportive environment. To that end, we have developed year-round, multi-sport training programs for triathletes of all levels under the watchful eyes of an experienced and dedicated team of qualified coaches and activators; but, above all, we want you to be proud to be a Trident.










Inclusion is one of the club’s core values and it all starts from here. We aim to provide a training environment that caters for triathletes of all ages, abilities and aspirations. You can share your passion for the sport with fellow triathletes and train with like-minded people - and feel a sense of belonging that only comes from being part of a shared experience.

Respect is also at the heart of what we do. We’re lucky to have over 100 members in the club, each with their own individual strengths, fears, triumphs, injuries, histories and goals. We are blessed with real diversity as a club and you must embrace it - respect this diversity and use it to fuel your own ambitions.  

Excellence simply put, this means we we must all strive to be better tomorrow than we are today. If we get the first two right, this will follow. Do not be afraid of hard work – you will reap what you sow.


What are our expected behaviours?

  • Prioritise the wellbeing of members and try to engage in ways that promote a safe and happy training environment.

  • Set red lines around the ‘three pillars’ of the club – if you witness any behaviour that falls short, don’t be afraid to call it out (but do so respectfully and politely). Alternatively, you can share any concerns you have regarding the behaviour of other members with the Club’s Welfare Officer:

  • You are a member of a big club so enjoy this fact – try to demonstrate team-spirited behaviour when interacting with others.

  • Be responsive and pro-actively support each other if someone appears to be anxious or under pressure.

  • Trust each other and earn the trust of others in the way you behave. Accept that mistakes may happen and, when they do, use them as an opportunity to learn.

  • Treat all members with respect and value their contributions.

  • Strive for excellence – be better tomorrow than you are today through hard work and dedication.

  • If you see a new member in training, say ‘hello’ with a smile and make them feel welcome – we all know how intimidating it can be coming into a crowd of strangers.

  • Always be mindful of other members and lend a helping hand when you can. Wellbeing is at the heart of what we do so we must make it a priority.

  • Don’t do anything which will bring the club into disrepute – we’ve all worked hard to make the club the success it is so try not to blow it.

  • If your body feels tired (e.g. after an extended period training) don’t be afraid to rest. There is virtue in hard work and there is virtue in rest. Use both wisely and overlook neither.

  • Set aside time each week to set training goals, plan sessions and decide the week’s priorities.

  • You’ll have bad times during the year, but they’ll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren’t paying attention to.


By applying to be a member of Porthcawl Triathlon Club, I confirm that I have read and understood the Club Charter and I agree to be bound by its terms. 





The code of conduct defines what is considered good and appropriate behaviour of all triathlon coaches and activators by Welsh Triathlon. It reflects the values held by the coaching profession and outlines the expected conduct of coaches and activators while they perform their duties. It can also be used as a benchmark to assess whether certain behaviours are acceptable or not acceptable.  As a qualified triathlon coach or activator, you are expected to adhere to this code of conduct at all times.

1. Respect for Participants: The principle of respect for athletes, challenges coaches and activators to act in a manner respectful of the dignity of those involved in triathlon. This principle is based on the assumption that each person has value and is worthy of respect and free from bullying or harassment. Acting with respect for participants means that coaches and activators do not make some participants feel more or less worthy than others, on the basis of gender, race, place of origin, athletic potential, colour, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, socio-economic status, marital status, age or any form of disability.

2. Integrity in Relationships: Developing professional relationships with participants is a central role of being an effective coach or activator. However, it must be recognised that behaving with integrity is crucial and we will expect all coaches and activators to be honest, sincere and honourable in their relationships with participants and others.

Our coaches and activators must:

  • not engage in any behaviour that constitutes abuse or harassment (i.e. physical, sexual, emotional, neglect, bullying);

  • promote the welfare and best interests of all participants;

  • maintain a high degree of self-awareness and the ability to reflect critically how your values and opinion influence others;

  • avoid sexual intimacy with participants with whom they have a coaching relationship;

  • empower participants to be responsible for their own decisions;

  • clarify the nature of the coaching being offered in advance; and

  • communicate and cooperate openly with participants and other triathlon organisations in the best interests of the sport.


3. Responsibilities: Personal Standards: triathlon coaches and activators must demonstrate proper personal behaviour and conduct at all times.

Our coaches and activators must:

  • be fair, honest and considerate to all participants and others in the sport (e.g. officials, club members, race organisers, etc.);

  • make a personal commitment to provide quality coaching to participants at all times;

  • not attend sessions under the influence of alcohol or non-prescription medication or when operating in the capacity of a coach or an activator - this includes travelling to and from as well as delivering sessions;

  • be a positive role model for triathletes, the club and the sport of triathlon throughout Great Britain;

  • take pride in being a coach or activator and project an image of health, well-dressed, hygiene, appearance, and use of appropriate language and actions;

  • display consistently high standards of behaviour and conduct;

  • never exert undue influence over participants to obtain personal benefit or reward;

  • never encourage or condone rule violations, bad behaviour or the use of prohibited substances;

  • encourage participants to value the quality of their individual performances and not just the results.


4. Professional Responsibilities: The principle of coaching responsibilities carries the expectation that the activities of all coaches and activators will benefit society in general and athletes in particular and will do no harm. Fundamental to the implementation of this principle is the notion of competence, which implies that coaches and activators should be well-prepared and possesses up-to-date knowledge of triathlon so they will be able to maximize benefits and minimize risk to the athletes.

Our coaches and activators will:

  • consider the well-being and safety of participants before the development of performance

  • develop an appropriate working relationship with all participants, based on mutual trust and respect;

  • make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part;

  • ensure that the environment is as safe as possible for training and competition, taking into account and minimizing possible risks;

  • limit physical contact with athletes to what is appropriate to the situation or necessary for the athlete’s development – always ask prior permission if contact is required;

  • promote the execution of safe and correct practices at all times;

  • be professional in their work and accept responsibility for their actions;

  • make a commitment to providing a quality service to their triathletes;

  • Recognise the inherent power in the position as a coach or activator and not abuse that power;

  • contribute to the development of triathlon coaching by exchanging knowledge and ideas with others;

  • acknowledge the limitations of their knowledge and competence where appropriate;

  • obtain and maintain appropriate triathlon coaching qualifications to the level of operation required.

Coaches and activators must also ensure they hold valid and appropriate insurance policies for their coaching activities.


5. Fair Play Principles: Coaches and activators alike should abide by the principles of fair play during training and competition. Applying fair play principles implies that all those involved in sport recognize the importance of fairness, a respectful attitude to authority and appropriate conduct when engaged in triathlon related activities and agree to model and promote them at all times.

The following are some examples of fair play behaviours for coaches and activators:


  • Promote the positive aspects of the sport of triathlon.

  • Never condone the use of any illegal or banned drugs to enhance performance.

  • Follow all the rules and never seek to deliberately break a rule.

  • Aim to compete fairly, using talent, training, and ability to win - refuse to compete by illegal means or by cheating.

  • Respect all race and technical officials, and their decisions without doubting their integrity.

  • Recognise and acknowledge good performances by others.

  • Maintain dignity in all circumstances and demonstrate self-control.

  • Follow all guidelines laid down by Welsh Triathlon.


For the coaches and activators – know the rules and regulations well and apply them with impartiality at all times.


Breaches of the code of conduct

Welsh Triathlon qualified coaches and activators will at all times represent their role and their participants in a way which reflects positively on the club, National Governing Body and the UK-wide coaching profession.  All complaints will be dealt with according to the relevant Home Nation Association ‘Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures’.


I have read the above Code of Conduct and I confirm that I understand what is expected of me.




1     Policy statement

1.1 Porthcawl Triathlon Club (the “Club”, “we” or “us”) maintains a presence on a variety of social media platforms (e.g., Wattsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) which members are free to use. This policy is intended to help members make appropriate decisions about the use of social media and to ensure that such use is in accordance with the Club’s core values and behaviours.

1.2 This policy outlines the standards we require members to observe when using social media, the circumstances in which we will monitor your use of social media and the action we will take in respect of breaches of this policy.

1.3 This policy supplements our Club Constitution and Complaints Policy that can be found on the Club website which can be located on the club’s website

1.4 Social media is a constantly changing environment as the underlying technology evolves and develops. Therefore, the Committee reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.

2     Who is covered by this policy

2.1 This policy covers all members of the Club including all elected members of the Committee, Officers and all coaching staff.

3     The scope of this policy

3.1 All members are expected to comply with this policy at all times to protect the interests of the Club and to preserve our core values. The Club will not tolerate the use of inappropriate, obscene or abusive behaviour at any time and will take steps to monitor the Club’s social media presence to ensure that all members are abiding with the terms of this policy. We are also a club which prides itself on inclusion and diversity so any behaviour by a member which is discriminatory, derogatory or defamatory will not be tolerated at any time by the Club.

3.2 Breach of this policy may be dealt with under the terms set out in our Club Constitution and Complaints Policy, and in serious cases, may lead to suspension or dismissal from the Club.

4    Responsibility for implementation of this policy

4.1 The Club Committee (hereby referred to as the “Committee”) has overall responsibility for the effective operation of this policy.

4.2 The Committee is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the operation of this policy and making recommendations for changes.

4.3 All members are responsible for their own compliance with this policy and for ensuring that it is consistently applied. All members should ensure that they take the time to read and understand it. Any breach of this policy should be reported to a member of the Committee.

4.4 Questions regarding the content or application of this policy should be directed to a member of the Committee.

5     Using social media

5.1 Members of the Committee and coaching team will post content from time to time on social media platforms on behalf of the Club (e.g., Club notices, events, training tips and guides). If you post material on a social media platform, you do so in your own name and in no circumstances should you post material on behalf of the Club unless you are instructed to do so by a member of the Committee.

6     Using Club related social media

6.1 We recognise the importance of the internet in shaping public thinking about the Club and its members.

6.2 We also recognise the importance of our members joining in and helping shape conversation and direction through interaction in social media.

6.3 Applications to join the Club’s own social media platforms must be made through the appropriate member of the Committee.

6.4 The Club reserves the right to refuse entry to the Club’s social media platforms.  The Club also reserves the right to suspend or permanently withdraw access to the Club’s social media platforms if a member’s behaviour is contrary to the terms of this policy. 

7     Rules for use of the Club’s social media platforms

7.1 These rules will apply to:

7.1.1     Any person posting on the Club's own social media platforms.

7.1.2     Any person posting on any social media site in the name of, on behalf of, or as a stated member of the Club.

7.1.3     Any person posting on any social media site any pictures of members wearing Club kit, or uploading any images containing Club kit.

7.2 Whenever you use the Club’s own social media in accordance with this policy, you must adhere to the following general rules:

7.2.1     Never upload, post, forward or include a link to any abusive, obscene, discriminatory, harassing, derogatory or defamatory content.

7.2.2     Any member who feels that they have been harassed or bullied or are offended by material posted or uploaded by another member on the Club’s social media platforms should inform a member of the Committee immediately.

7.2.3     Do not upload, post or forward any content belonging to a third party. If there is any doubt, you should consult with a member the Committee before proceeding.

7.2.4     Before you include a link to a third-party website, check that any terms and conditions of that website permit you to link to it. All links must be done so that it is clear to the user that they have moved to the third party's website.

7.2.5     When making use of any social media platform, you must read and comply with its terms of use.

7.2.6     Do not post, upload, forward or post a link to chain mail, junk mail or gossip.

7.2.7     Be honest and open but be mindful of the impact your contribution might make to people’s perceptions of us as a club. If you make a mistake in a contribution, be prompt in admitting and correcting it.

7.2.8     You are personally responsible for content you publish into social media tools – be aware that what you publish will be public for many years.

7.2.9     Don't escalate heated discussions, try to be conciliatory, respectful and quote facts to lower the temperature and correct misrepresentations. Never contribute to a discussion if you are angry or upset, return to it later when you can contribute in a calm and rational manner.

7.2.10 If you feel even slightly uneasy about something you are about to publish, then you shouldn’t do it.  If in any doubt, consult with a member of the Committee before proceeding.

7.2.11 Always consider others’ privacy and avoid discussing topics that may be inflammatory (e.g., politics, religion and sexual orientation).

7.2.12 Avoid publishing your contact details where they can be accessed and used widely by people you did not intend to see them, and never publish anyone else's contact details.

7.2.13 Before your first contribution on any social media platform, observe the activity on the site for a while before launching in yourself to get a feel for the style of contributions, the nature of the content and any ‘unwritten’ rules that other contributors might follow.

7.2.14 If you notice any content posted on social media about the Club (whether complementary or critical) please report it to a member of the Committee.



8    Monitoring use of social media

8.1 Members should be aware that any use of social media may be monitored and, where breaches of this policy are found, action may be taken under our Club Constitution and Complaints Policy.

8.2 Misuse of social media can, in certain circumstances, constitute a criminal offence or otherwise give rise to legal liability against you and the Club. It may also cause embarrassment to the Club and to our members.

8.3 In particular uploading, posting forwarding or posting a link to any of the following types of material on a social media website, whether in a professional or personal capacity, will amount to gross misconduct (this list is not exhaustive):

8.3.1     pornographic material (that is, writing, pictures, films and video clips of a sexually explicit or arousing nature);

8.3.2     false and defamatory statement about any person or organisation.

8.3.3     material which is offensive, obscene, criminal discriminatory, derogatory or may cause embarrassment to the Club or our members.

8.3.4     confidential information about the Club or any of our members (which you do not have express authority to disseminate).

8.3.5     any other statement which is likely to create any liability (whether criminal or civil, and whether for you or the Club); or

8.3.6     material in breach of copyright or other intellectual property rights, or which invades the privacy of any person. Any such action will be addressed under the Club’s Disciplinary Procedure and could result in your removal from the Club.

8.4 Where evidence of misuse is found we may undertake a more detailed investigation in accordance with the Club Constitution and Complaints Policy. If necessary, such information may be handed to the police in connection with a criminal investigation.

8.5 If you notice any use of social media by other members in breach of this policy, please report it to a member of the Committee.

9     Monitor and review of this policy

9.1 The Committee shall be responsible for reviewing this policy annually to ensure that it meets legal requirements and reflects best practice.




1. Principles

1.1.  Where possible Porthcawl Triathlon Club will seek to resolve complaints informally at a committee level.

1.2.  Where a complaint cannot be resolved informally, a formal complaint should be made in writing to the Club Chairman.  Formal complaints will be investigated by an individual or panel appointed by the Club’s Committee.

1.3. It is intended that complaints procedures should;

a)     be easily accessible

b)     ensure that all complaints are fully and fairly investigated

c)      ensure that the complaints process should provide an effective response

d)     ensure that appropriate redress is made

1.4. Porthcawl Triathlon Club will respect complainants’ desire for confidentiality wherever possible.

1.5        Porthcawl Triathlon Club will use the feedback provided by both informal and formal complaints to ensure that its systems and services are improved.


2.  What is a Complaint?

2.1.  A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with the conduct of the organisation, its committees, volunteer officers, athletes, or with alleged unfair practice in connection with the sport.

2.2. Grounds for a complaint shall include but shall not be limited to the following:

a)     if the conduct of any individual, body, or organisation brings or is likely to bring the sport into disrepute

b)     the violation of Porthcawl Triathlon Club’s Constitution or Procedures

2.3. A Complaint may be made by:

a)     a member of Porthcawl Triathlon Club where the complaint concerns Porthcawl Triathlon Club

b)     the parent of or other person with parental responsibility for a member of Porthcawl Triathlon Club under the age of 18 years on his/her behalf

c)      any third party where the complaint concerns Porthcawl Triathlon Club

2.4. No complaints may be made under this policy regarding decisions made by referees at competitions held under the jurisdiction of Porthcawl Triathlon Club. Appeals procedures exist in respect of these matters.


3. Informal Complaint

3.1. It is clearly desirable for any complaint to be resolved informally where possible and it is hoped that every attempt will be made to achieve this. An informal complaint can be made either verbally or in writing to the appropriate committee member or the committee of Porthcawl Triathlon Club directly. Every effort will be made to resolve informal complaints to the satisfaction of the complainant.

Where it has not been possible to resolve the matter informally, the Formal Complaints Procedure should be invoked. The request should be made in writing to the Club Chairman. If the complaint concerns the Club Chairman, the complaint should be made to the club’s committee directly.


4. Formal Complaint

4.1. A formal complaint should be made in writing to the Club Chairman where a complaint has not been resolved informally or where the matter is of a serious nature. Complaints of a serious nature would include gross misconduct, negligence or matters concerning the protection of young people or vulnerable adults. A written complaint shall only be considered if it includes the name, address and signature of the complainant. Verbal and anonymous complaints shall be disregarded.

4.2. A complaint must normally reach the Club Chairman no later than thirty days after the alleged incident that gave rise to it.

4.3. Complaints that fall outside the jurisdiction of Porthcawl Triathlon Club may be referred to an appropriate body for their consideration.

4.4. Complaints regarding the protection of children or vulnerable adults may be referred to the Police or Social Services.

4.5. Complaints alleging criminal activity may be referred to the Police.

4.6. The Club Committee will appoint an Investigating Officer(s) to investigate the allegation. The Investigating Officer(s) will be independent of the matter being investigated and will remain impartial.

4.7. The Investigating Officer(s) shall have the power and discretion to co-opt, from time to time, additional persons with specific skills or experience to assist in the carrying out of their duties.

4.8. If the Investigating Officer(s), to whom a complaint has been referred, is not satisfied that it meets the criteria for a complaint he/she/they may refuse to allow it to proceed.

4.9. Where a complaint is lodged more than thirty days after an alleged incident giving rise to the complaint, and where the Investigating Officer(s) is satisfied that it is in the interest of the sport to do so, they may permit the complaint to proceed. Before arriving at a decision, they may require an explanation of the delay in making the complaint.

4.10. The Investigating Officer(s) shall notify all interested persons and/or bodies immediately of any decision by them, whether or not to allow a complaint to proceed, setting out the reasons for the decision.

4.11. The parties to the complaint shall be entitled to appeal against any such decision of the Investigating Officer(s) to the Club’s Committee provided that the notice of appeal, setting out the grounds for appeal, is lodged with the Club Chairman within 21 days of the date upon which the Investigating Officer(s) sends the written notification of the decision.

4.12. The Club’s Committee shall consider the grounds of appeal. In the case of an appeal against a decision of the Investigating Officer(s) to allow a complaint to proceed, they may invite a written submission from the complainant. They may confirm or reverse the decision made by the Investigating Officer(s) and may grant or refuse permission to proceed with the complaint. The decision of the Club’s Committee shall be final.

4.13. If the Club’s Committee allows an appeal against the refusal of the Investigating Officer(s) to allow a complaint to proceed on the grounds of the lateness of the complaint, the party against whom the complaint has been made may raise the lateness of the complaint as an issue at the hearing.


5. Complaints - Complaints & Conduct Panels

5.1. Porthcawl Triathlon Club may appoint a panel of suitably qualified individuals to hear and adjudicate on complaints or to conduct disciplinary hearings. The individuals appointed by Porthcawl Triathlon Club will be independent of the matter to be heard, will remain impartial and will have specific competences and experience of investigations and disciplinary proceedings.

5.2. Where Porthcawl Triathlon Club is required under its articles, policies or rules to conduct a hearing or review, it shall appoint a panel to undertake these duties.




6. Investigations

6.1. Where a formal complaint has been received Porthcawl Club may appoint one or more individuals to conduct an investigation.

6.2. The Investigating Officer(s) may request that other individuals, participate and give evidence and/or that further written documents or other evidence be supplied by any or all of them.

6.3. Any improper contact, approach or attempt to influence or intimidate any Investigating Officer(s), witness or representative either in person or through an intermediary must be immediately reported to the Investigating Officer(s) who may take such action as they deem appropriate. Such conduct may in itself from the subject of a complaint.

6.4. It shall be for the complainant to prove the complaint on a balance of probabilities.


7. Decisions

7.1. The Investigating Officer(s) shall report their findings to the Club’s Committee, who make their decision on cases before it by majority.

7.2. The Club’s Committee may make whatever order it considers just, including the imposition of a financial penalty and/or suspension for a period.

7.3. The decision of the Club’s Committee shall be final and binding.  It will be communicated to the complainant in writing by the Club Chairman of the Porthcawl Triathlon Club.


8. Confidentiality

8.1. As far as is practicable, confidentiality shall be preserved in the investigation of a complaint. Such an approach is in the interest of both the complainant and any other person or persons involved.  If, however, another person is named in a complaint, we believe that normally they should know what is said about them and who is making the complaint. Porthcawl Triathlon Club may also take action if a complaint is found to be malicious or vexatious.

8.2. The Investigating Officer(s) and Complaints and Conduct Panels shall be responsible for conducting investigations into formal complaints, conducting hearings, where it has been determined there is a case to answer.

8.3. The Investigating Officer(s) and Complaints and Conduct Panels may recommend provisional suspension of an individual, group or member whilst they are conducting an investigation or prior to a full hearing of the matter.


9. Arbitration Agreement

9.1. The complainant and Porthcawl Triathlon Club agree to submit any dispute concerning any matter connected with or arising out of this complaints policy and procedure exclusively to binding arbitration to be conducted by an arbitrator (or panel) appointed by the UK Sports Dispute Resolution Panel (SDRP) and pursuant to any rules as to the conduct of the arbitration laid down by SDRP (or the Arbitrator so appointed). The Parties agree that they will not commence, continue or maintain any legal challenge to any matter falling under the jurisdiction of this Procedure to any court of law or any other dispute resolution procedure. The outcome of the SDRP arbitration shall be final and binding.



Porthcawl Triathlon Club (the “Club”, “we” or “us”) is committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of its members (“you”). For any personal data you provide for the purposes of your membership, the Club is the Data Controller and is responsible for storing and otherwise processing that data in a fair, lawful, secure and transparent way.


What Personal Data We Hold About You

You may give us information about yourself by filling in forms at an event or online, or by corresponding with us by phone, email or otherwise. This includes information you provide when you register as a member of the Club. The information you give us may include:

  • membership contact information (e.g., your name, email, date of birth, address, telephone, emergency contact details, etc.);

  • special categories of data such as gender, age, disability.

  • medical information; and

  • competition data.


Why We Need Your Personal Data

The reason we need your personal data is to be able to administer your membership and provide the membership services you are signing up to when you register with the Club. Our lawful basis for processing your personal data is that we have a contractual obligation to you as a member to provide the services you are registering for.

The reasons we need to process your personal data include:

For membership and club management  

  • processing of membership forms and payments.

  • sharing data with committee members to provide information about club activities, membership renewals or invitation to social events.

  • Club newsletters and bulletins promoting club activity and personal achievements.

  • publishing of race and competition results.

  • placing and fulfilling orders of Club kit; and

  • dealing with and resolving complaints or enquiries.

For training and competition entry  

  • sharing personal data with Club coaches or officials to administer training sessions.

  • monitoring your progress in the sport to help you achieve your own personal goals; and

  • sharing competition data with British Triathlon/ Welsh Triathlon to advise and guide members on qualification or grading.

For funding and reporting purposes

  • sharing anonymised data with a funding partner as condition of grant funding e.g., Local Authority.

  • analysing anonymised data to monitor Club trends; and

  • sending an annual Club survey to improve your experience as a Club member

Who We Share Your Personal Data With

We may share your personal data with:

  • British Triathlon / Welsh Triathlon.

  • Third party suppliers of goods and/or services (e.g., kit suppliers).  

The reason for sharing your personal data with British Triathlon / Welsh Triathlon is to:

  • highlight and encourage you to compete in triathlon events.

  • promote the benefits of membership (e.g., insurance);

  • facilitate your participation in events; and

  • help you to advance in the sport.

The Club may also wish to apply for funding or financial assistance from British Triathlon / Welsh Triathlon to ensure we are able to better promote the sport of triathlon or guarantee the Club’s long-term future.

We will not share any personal data or information about you with anyone else unless we are required or permitted to do so under applicable law or regulation.

Collecting and Storing Personal Data

In processing your personal data, the Club may be required to transfer your personal data outside of the UK (e.g., for the purpose of cloud hosting and newsletter communication).  Where we do transfer your personal data outside the UK, we will ensure that there are appropriate safeguards in place to ensure the security of that personal data.

Porthcawl Triathlon Club has a social media presence on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.  All members are free to join and use any content shared via the Club’s social media platforms. If you join or use our social media platforms, please note that the service providers (e.g., Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.) will have their own privacy policies. The Club does not accept any responsibility or liability for these privacy policies or their use of your personal data.  Please check these privacy policies before you submit or share any personal data on the Club social media platforms.

How Long We Hold Your Personal Data

We will hold your personal data on file for as long as you are a member with us.

Any personal data we hold about you will be securely destroyed three months after you cease to be a member of the Club. Where we have invoiced for items or collected payments, the Club will retain that information in accordance with the requirements under applicable law.

Your personal data will not be processed for any purposes other than those detailed in this policy.


Your Rights Regarding Personal Data

You have rights as an individual which you can exercise in relation to the information, we hold about you. These include the right to:

  • object to processing of personal data that is likely to cause, or is causing, damage or distress.

  • prevent processing for the purpose of direct marketing.

  • object to decisions being taken by automated means.

  • in certain circumstances, have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed; and

  • claim compensation for damages caused by a breach of the Data Protection regulations.

You can find out more about these rights at


Requesting Access To Your personal Data

Under data protection legislation, you have the right to request access to information we hold about you. To make a request for your personal information, please contact.


Complaints or Queries

If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, we ask that you raise your concern with us in the first instance. Alternatively, you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office at


Further Information

If you would like to discuss anything in this privacy notice, please contact the Club’s data protection officer:

As a data subject you are not obliged to share your personal data with the Club; but if you choose not to share your personal data with us, we may not be able to register or administer your membership.


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